Past Project

Description for Past Projects

Waterfront Residential Developments

A collection of jobs from around the waterfront of Howe Sounds and Burrard Inlet in Metro Vancouver

Various Civil Projects

Raised Road Way Piers, Port of Vancouver, Tremie Pours, City Sidewalks, Infills, Concrete Retaining Walls

Various Residential Projects

Single Family Homes; Footing, Foundations, Radiant Heat Topping, Concrete Driveways, Sidewalks, Concrete Stairs, Basement Slabs, Garage Foundations

Renovations; Additions to Foundations, Landscaping, Shed Pads

Various Commercial Projects

Four Story wood frame buildings; Slab on grade, Suspended Slabs, Pad footings, High Flow Topping, Exterior Slabs, Driveways and Ramps

Multi Family structures; Duplex, Town homes, Footings, Concrete Walls and Columns, Sidewalks and Driveways

Tilt up Construction; Insulated Wall Panels, Slab on Grade (SOG), Concrete Driveways, Sidewalks and landscaping

BC Hydro - Como Lake substation Upgrades

Operator Specific Training require to work on site provided by BC Hydro
400 cubic metre footing
Project lasted for 6 months